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Brnění s80 - Dynasty


 Dynasty Robe

Dynasty Robe
Všeobecný Set bonus
Dynasty Tunic Int-1, Men+1, Casting Spd. +12%, MaxMP +257, Darkness Resistance +6
Dynasty Stockings
Dynasty Gloves
Dynasty Shoes
Dynasty Circlet
Dynasty Tunic
Specifický (class) Set Bonus
[Enchanter] : Hierophant, Dominator, Doomcryer Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption, decrease magic cancel rate.
[Healer] : Cardinal, Evas Saint, Shillien Saint Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase amount of heal, increase magic cancel rate.
[Summoner] : Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase P. Atk., P. Def.
[Wizard] : Archmage, Soultaker, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer Int+2, Wit+1, Men-2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase stun resistance, increase M. Atk.

Dynasty Heavy Armor

Dynasty Heavy Armor
Všeobecný Set bonus
Dynasty Breastplate/Dynasty Platnium Plate
Con-1, Str+1, P. Def +4.6%, MaxHP +418, Darkness Resistance +6
With Shield: Increases probability of Poison and Bleed Prevention
Dynasty Gaiters
Dynasty Gauntlets
Dynasty Boots
Dynasty Helmet
Dynasty Shield
Dynasty Breast Plate
Specifický (class) Set Bonus
[Bard] : Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer

Con-2, Str+2, P. Def +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption for song, dance skill, increase P. Atk.
[Force Master] : Duelist, Grand Khavatari
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease active skill MP consumption
[Shield Master] : Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Evas Templar, Shillien Templar
Str-2, Con+2, P. Def +5.4% MaxHP +492. Darkness resistance is increased +8, received Increased Heal +3%. Shock resistance is increased.
[Weapon Master] : Dreadnought, Titan, Fortune Seeker, Maestro
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, Critical Damage Chance.
Shield Bonus Remains the same

Dynasty Leather Armor

Dynasty Leather
Všeobecný Set bonus
Dynasty Leather Armor/Dynasty Jewel Leather Mail

Con-1, Dex+1, Accuracy +1.72, Evasion +1.72, MaxHP +418, Darkness Resistance +6
Dynasty Leather Leggings
Dynasty Leather Gloves
Dynasty Leather Boots
Dynasty Leather Helmet
Dynasty Leather Armor
Specifický (class) Set Bonus
[Bow Master] : Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster

Con-2, Dex+2, Evasion +4.3, MaxHP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase Atk Spd, increase MP recovery rate.
[Dagger Master] : Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter
Con-2, Dex+2, Accuracy +4.3, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, increase hold resistance, increase atk spd.
[Enchanter] : Hierophant, Dominator, Doomcryer, Judicator
Int-2, Men+2, Casting Spd. +15%, Maximum MP +321. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease MP consumption, decrease magic cancel rate.
[Force Master] : Duelist, Grand Khavatari
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, decrease active skill MP consumption
[Weapon Master] : Doombringer, Soul Hound, Titan, Dreadnought, Fortune Seeker, Maestro
Con-2, Str+2, P. Atk +5.4%, MaxHP +492. Increase Darkness Resistance +8, Critical Damage Chance.


Autor: SlosMister

Pouze registrovaní uživatelé mohou přidat komentář!
Sina/Ginna  - pro benja |2010-12-29 21:07:26
benjo jak vesper tak dyna, oboje je silny, dyna se zyskava celkem dobre kdys vys jak na to a je o mnohem levnejsi nes vesper a dyna je silne. vesper je treba silnejsi ale sehnava se tezko a i vyroba neni vubec lechka, na to by si mnel mit minimalne spoil na 80+lvl :) (teda vesper je dvojnasobne silnejsiXD)
SOADsvk  - Master |2010-08-26 13:18:11
jak ziskam ten MASTER ?
Sina/Ginna  - :) |2010-08-25 08:52:10
vesper je lepší ale ten je od 84 lvl ale dyna od 80lvl (dynasty věci sou taky sylny)
benja |2010-07-31 14:44:14
Cau co myslíte že lepsí na dýkaře vesper set nebo dyna?

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