21 Květen 2009
Popis: | Odměna: |
Pro quest si zajděte za Pet Manager Martin do Gludin Village |
Wolf Collar |
Start Level: | Odměna pro nováčky: |
15+. | Neznámá |
Začátek v: | Pro Rasy: |
Gludin Village | Všechny |
Typ: | Pro povolání: |
Opakovatelný, Sólo |
Všechny |
- 1. Quest dostanete od Pet Manager Martin v Gludin Village.

- 2. Až s ním promluvíte, pošle vás do vašeho rodného místa. Dark Elfové zabíjí Horrory, ostatní zabíjí pavouky. Když mu donesete 50 věcí, pošle vás za třemi NPC.
Human- Talking Island různé Pavouky

Dark Elf- ve Swampland různé Horrory

Dwarfové- různé Tarantule

Elf- Crimson spiders (lvl 15, agresivní), Hook spiders (lvl 17, pasivní) nebo Pincer spiders (lvl 17, agresivní).
Orc -Kasha spiders (lvl 15, pasivní), Kasha poker spiders nebo Kasha blade spiders (lvl 17, pasivní).

- 3.- a) Promluvte s Accessory Jeweler Ellie v Giranu.

- - b) Promluvte s Gatekeeper Bella v Gludio Village.

- -c) Promluvte s Guard Metty v Dionu.

- 4. Vraťte se k Martinovi a on vám dá 10 otázek, jsteli schopni se starat o peta.
- Dostanete kombinaci těchto otázek
(Otázek je hodně, tak kdyžbyste našli nějakou chybu nebo otazku která tu chybí pošlete :) dik)
- Q: The following are description on the life of a wolf. Choose the wrong description among the choices.
A: A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies
Q: Which of the following do not describe the life of a wolf?
A: A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies.
Q: What is the best way to train you pet?
A: Tell you pet to hit monsters multiple times.
Q: The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family. Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
A: None of the above
Q: What is the normal life span of a wolf in captivity?
A: 12-15 years
Q: How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
A: 2.4 Km
Q: How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
A: It's tail is always pointing straight down
Q: The following connections are made between the wolves and their habitats. Which is not correct?
A: None of the above
Q: Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
A: Can be sent to the village to buy items
Q: When a pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
A: 20 minutes
Q: Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
A: Pregnancy is 9 months
Q: Which of the following is NOT part of the wolf's diet?
A: None of the above
Q: What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
A: Male
Q: Which of the following is the correct description of a wolf?
A: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a full-grown male adult human.
Tady je verze otázek ze serveru revolutions:
Q: The following are description on the life of a wolf. Choose the wrong description among the choices.
A: A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies
Q: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes. Which one of the following is not the purpose of a pet use?
A: Makes to go to the village and buy items rathen than sending on an errand.
Q: The pet shall disapper forever if you can't resurrect if within a certain amount of time. What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
A: 3 minutes
Q: What should you do to make a pet grow faster?
A: Makes a pet hit a monster a lot.
Q: Which one among the following does a wolf not eat?
A: No answer
Q: How far (Km) can a wolf's scent reach?
A: 2,4 Km
Q: The following are description about the wolf. Choose the right one among the choices.
A: A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human.
Q: What kind of wolf leads the rest when it comes to hunting in pack?
A: Male
Q: What is the name of this animal which is in the wolf family and was thougt to live 2,500,000 – 10,000 year ago? It is said that its body and skull were big and heavy, but its brains were so small than it is assumed that its intelligence weren't very high.
A: Dire Wolf
Q: The biological classification of the wolf is ‘meat-eating mammal of a dog's family‘. Then which animal among the following is not a ‘meat-eating from a dog's family‘?
A: No answer
Q: There is no exact data on the life spon of a wild wolf. Then how long does a wolf in the zoo normally live?
A: 12-15 years
Q: Normally, how would a wolf's tail be positioned?
A: Its tail is always pointing staight down.
Q: Choose the wrong description on the breeding of wolves.
A: Pregnancy is nine mounths.
Q: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is not connected property?
A: Orc Black Wolf.
Další verze otázek:
The wolf is a meat-eating mammal of the canine family.Which animal among the following is not a meat-eating mammal of the canine family?
- None of the above.
How far (in kilometers) can a wolf's smell reach?
- 2.4 km
What is the best way to train your pet?
- When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.
Which is not a proper description of the breeding of wolves?
- Pregnancy is nine months.
Which of the following is not a part of the Wolf's diet?
- None of the above.
What kind of wolf leads the rest when hunting in a pack?
- Male
What is the normal lifespawn of a wolf in captivity?
- 12-15 years
Which of the following do not describe the life of a wolf.
- A pregnant wolf makes its home in a wide open place to have its babies.
Which of the following isa the correct description of a wolf?
- A grown wolf is still not as heavy as a fully-grown male adult human.
The following connections are made between the wolves
and their habitats. Which is not correct?
- Orc - Black Wolf
How is a wolf's tail normally positioned?
- It's tail is always pointing straight down.
Pets are very useful to their owners. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of a pet?
- Can be sent to the village to buy items.
What are the oldest and most primitive type of wolves found in Aden?
- Dire Wolf
When the pet is killed it may be resurrected within a certain amount of time.
What is the maximum delay allowed before resurrection becomes impossible?
- 24 hours
What is the best way to train your pet?
- When taking down a monster, always have a pet's company.
- 5. Když odpovíte ve zprávně dostanete Wolf Collar.

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