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How to Oppose Evil


Popis: Odměna:
Nákupy u Kutrana
Možnost nákupů
Start Level: Odměna pro nováčky:
75.+ Neznámá
Začátek v: Pro Rasy:
Gracia kontinent Keucereus Alliance Base
Typ: Pro povolání:

Opakovatelný, Sólo



Musíte mít splněný quest Good Day to Fly

Quest vám zpřístupní nákupy Special Product Broker Kutran's Shop. 


  • 1. Promluv s General Dilios. Chce po tobě Lekon's Certificate z questu Good Day to Fly. Až budeš mít quest splněn vrať se za Diliosem.
  • 2. Pošle tě za Special Products Broker Kutran. Je poblíž lekona na náměstí u fontány.



  • 3.Kutran ti vymění.
  • 5 Nuclei of Incomplete Soul (Seed of Infinity) -> 1 Nucleus of Freed Soul 
  • 5 Mounted Troop Totems (Seed of Destruction) -> 1 Mounted Troop Charm 

A ty za různé Recepty, Forgotten scrolly....

 Seznam výměn

Icarus Weapon Recipes

Icarus Weapon Pieces



Icarus Weapon Recipes

Recipe - Icarus Sawsword

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Disperser

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Spirit

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Heavy Arms

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Trident

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Hammer

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Hand

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Hall

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Recipe - Icarus Spitter

x 136 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 40 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm


Icarus Weapon Pieces

Icarus Sawsword Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Disperser Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Spirit Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Spitter Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Heavy Arms Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Trident Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Hammer Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Hand Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm

Icarus Hall Piece

x 25 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 6 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm


Dynastic Essence II

x 800 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 200 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
Přidává power.

Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic

x 200 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 50 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
x 12,000,000 adena
Forgotten Scroll pro Phoenix
Knights, Hell Knights, Eva's Templars, Shillien
Templars, Sword Muses a Spectral Dancers od 81 levelu.

Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery

x 200 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 50 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
x 12,000,000 adena
Forgotten Scroll pro Adventurers,
Wind Riders, a Ghost Hunters lod 81 levelu.

Forgotten Scroll - Mutual Response

x 200 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 50 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
x 12,000,000 adena
Forgotten Scroll pro Arcana
Lord, Elemental Master a Spectral Masterod 81 levelu.

Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone

x 200 Nucleus of a Freed Soul
x 50 Fleet Steed Troup's Charm
x 12,000,000 adena
Forgotten Scroll pro Cardinals,
Hierophants, Eva's Saints, Shillien Saints,
Dominators a Doom Cryers od 81 levelu.
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Statistika Galerie

  • Počet obrázků   231
  • Počet kategorií   11
  • Počet komentářů   23